Budget 2024 Amendment: Outdoor Wi-Fi Implementation Removed From The Budget

Discussion at 2:27:58 Item 7.6 Cllr Gilliland; Re: Amendment 006 – Outdoor Wi-Fi Implementation


Cllr Gilliland: “Thank you. I didn’t have any sort of prepared speech this is just something that I wasn’t really keen on especially after understanding $100,000 cost for the infrastructure and after further inquiry it would be about $22,000 to $24,000 annually per park. I also recall when the motion came I believe I thought there was supposed to have some sort of report coming back to Council to outline what the scope of it is and what was involved and costs and budget implications and I don’t recall receiving that.

$100,000 cost for the infrastructure and after further inquiry it would be about $22,000 to $24,000 annually per park

A couple other things about the Wi-Fi and the park. I truly do believe that you know being in a park as a place to disconnect from Wi-Fi and the digital world and to be able to enjoy the outdoors and not necessarily have a lot of Wi-Fi. Electronic, magnetic fields running around. We’re surrounded by it everywhere we go and many of us enjoy being in nature just to get away from that. In addition, to the fact that not only is it cost a lot on the taxpayers and getting away from nature, you know, we do provide a lot of this service at Town facilities which I’m in total support for but this is just a place where I feel that if we are going to be providing any kind of a service this is just something that I feel that in our parks is just not a need. So, therefore, I decided that at this time I think they should be removed from the budget.”

Cllr Weese: “Thank you. Could I ask a question? I’m not sure who it’s to. The $100,000 seems a bit large for this implementation. So I’m not a techie kind of guy. So I’d like to find out a little bit more about the cost of where that $100,000 is going and what it’s going to be used for so I can make a better identification of its value to us. I believe what Cllr Gilliland said we should be able to have some places to unplug but I really believe the Town Square needs to have some Wi-Fi there. I’m just not so sure about Town Park and I haven’t had a chance to talk to the Town Park Area Resident Rate Payers Association on it. But right now the finances of it. I’d really appreciate some update on that if you could, through you Mayor.”

Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director, Finance: “So the $100,000 was an estimate based on what the information that was known as the time, this is during the last budget. We have to narrow down how these are actually going to be deployed. We are working on trying to reach some agreements with third parties to possibly pay for some of those actual implementation. So that’s not all burned on the taxpayer. Also some of those ongoing operating costs relate to multi-year agreements that we would end up into for networking equipment. Which would likely get rolled into the capital project at the beginning. So We do have to re-evaluate those costs especially after we know the direction because depending on how its deployed where there’s a cellular service a network service or a like a fiber service can have a huge impact on how much the overall cost is for, on a capital basis or versus an operating basis now.”

$100,000 was an estimate based on what the information that was known as the time … We are working on trying to reach some agreements with third parties to possibly pay for some of those actual implementation.

Cllr Weese: “So if I heard you correctly you don’t really know but you’re giving a place holder of a $100,000 in order to cover the worst case scenario, but we’re not sure what we’re actually buying quite yet in terms of the cost. Have we had some quotations on this kind of thing or is it just a discussion you had with some of the providers. I’m just not comfortable with it quite yet, so you can add something through you Mayor.”

you don’t really know but you’re giving a place holder of a $100,000 in order to cover the worst case scenario

Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director, Finance:So there are some discussions with some potential third party sponsors for this. So we just need to understand how they be contributing to it and would it be on an infrastructure or an operating ongoing basis and once we have that information will know better how things would deploy over the longer term. So we are trying to make sure that when this does go forward, it’s going to have minimal impact overall on the taxpayer.”

Cllr Weese: “So my question again is about Town Park as opposed to the Town Square and I’m wondering if this could be turned into something that we do for sure at Town Square and we take a look at it from a pilot standpoint and then see whether the people around Town Park and others find it valuable. That’s all I’m wondering and I don’t know how we can get that on the table as an amendment to the amendment or if it’s even useful but I just feel uncomfortable saying it should go in Town Park when we haven’t had consultation with some of the neighbours and neighbourhoods and others there and people who use the Park, because that Park is used all the time. So I’m just wondering Cllr Gilliland would consider having this reduced by half so that we get it done in Town Square and we then report back and get some public consultation on the parks because I think a park is a little different than the Town Square.”

Mayor Mrakas: “Councillor, that would be contrary. I’m just saying you’re removing it so you’d have to vote on removing it. You couldn’t add in certain ones at this point. The amendment is to remove it. Be contrary. I’m just saying.”

Cllr Weese: “I’m not sure what you said. You’re here talking to the CEO and I think it’s probably important. So if you could tell me what…”

Mayor Mrakas: “What I’m hearing is is Town Squares is not in the report.” 

Cllr Weese: “What is not in the report, sorry?”

Mayor Mrakas: “Town Square.”

Cllr Weese: “Okay.”

Mayor Mrakas: “This is not included in this.”

Cllr Weese: “These are just two parks then. Okay.”

Cllr Thompson: “Thank you. In our Capital sheet it says it’s a finance project so through you to Ms. Wainwright-van Kessel. It links into our corporate technology strategic plan. And so I guess if Council decided to defer this for another year what would be the impact to our strategic objectives from that plan for this year or 2024?”

Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director, Finance: “So if it was deferred for another year it would just be a delay in the deployment of this. So we have other projects that we are definitely working on as well, but it’s something as an opportunity for us to move forward with.”

Cllr Thompson: “Thank you.”

Cllr Gilliland: “Thank you. I just kind of want to for clarity for Cllr Weese that in the report it was specific to Stuart Burnett Park and Town [Square] Park and with my discussions with Ms. Wainwright-van Kessel that Town Park or Town Square rather was already intended in having Wi-Fi implementation at that facility. And so when I spoke, I have no problem with having Wi-Fi in our Town facilities such as Town Square and the ACC, the SARC.”

Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director, Finance: “So, yes in Aurora Town Square we will have outdoor Wi-Fi, or outdoor Wi-Fi in the Square, but not in the parking lot area.”

Cllr Gilliland: “And so again I don’t want to repeat everything that I had said about the park and the project. It’s just at this time it’s something I’m not in favour of. I also question the data privacy as well and that’s also another can of worms that maybe we can talk about a different time, but I think for the big reasons that I mentioned above that’s why this time I like to be removed.” 

Mayor Mrakas: “Any other comments or questions. None. Before I call the vote I oppose to removing this from the budget. Call a vote.”

Carried (6-1)

Yeas (6) Cllr Weese, Cllr Gaertner, Cllr Gallo, Cllr Gilliland, Cllr Thompson, Cllr Kim

Nays (1) Mayor Mrakas

Binder 17: Growth and New: Finance (17-47, 17-48)


Overview of the project including key goals, objectives, and performance measures

This project will provide Wi-Fi hotspots for residents in outdoor Town parks and other public spaces. When residents are in these areas, they will be able to attach their smart phones or other mobile devices to these hotspots and easily access Town services. This project aligns with the Corporate Technology Strategic Plan in that it is providing residents with direct access to Town services and general internet access. This budget will provide outdoor Wi-Fi for Town Park and Stewart Burnett Park. Other public spaces will be included in future budget requests.

Reasons the project should be approved and the impact it will have on service levels

This is a benefit to both Town staff and residents who happen to be in an outdoor area where this technology is deployed. The Mayor would like the ability to provide Wi-Fi services in some outdoor locations.

Benefits of the project including impact on the community and Town operations (finances, internal performance, learning and development, etc.)

All residents and Town staff will receive the benefit of attaching to this Town provided Wi-Fi when they are in an outdoor area with this technology. They will be able to access Town services and the internet with no cost to them.

Impact of not approving or delaying the project

If not approved, residents and staff will not get the benefit and convenience of direct access to Town services and general internet access while in outdoor parks or other public spaces where we have this technology deployed.

Impact this project has on climate change

This project has not impact on climate change.

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