Who Will Be in Charge of Governing Our Town – the Mayor or the Developers? Or Both?

The Trillium used AI-based tool Google Pinpoint to analyse 2022 campaign finance returns from the Greater Toronto Area. The analysis showed that developers identified as super donors contributed over $1M to GTA council candidates, with findings collated in a database representing the province’s most generous contributors.

Ontario Proposal: Changes to the definition of an “Affordable Residential Unit” in the Development Charges Act

The province is proposing amendments to the Development Charges Act, 1997, to redefine "Affordable Residential Unit". The change aims to base discounts and exemptions for these units from municipal development-related charges on local income and market prices. The consultation closes on October 28, 2023.

Aurora Town Square Grand Opening $100K Budget Discussed

Aurora Town Square's Grand Opening will feature weeks of programming for diverse audiences, with a $100,000 budget. It's proposed to fund this from past operating budget savings within the tax rate stabilization reserve. This will be reviewed in the 2024 operating budget. The project is currently over budget and two years delayed.

Strong Mayor Powers – a Violation of Democratic Principles

Mayor Mrakas' blatant disregard for the democratic ideals is disrespectful to the very constituents who elected him into office. It is crucial to remember that giving one person unchecked power goes against the principles of accountability, transparency, and collective decision-making that form the bedrock of our democratic system.