Mayor Tom Mrakas Will Be Visiting Leksand, Sweden, On Taxpayers’ Dime, But Upon Public Pressure, He Changed His Mind

Mayor Tom Mrakas will be visiting Leksand, Sweden, the twin town of Aurora, sometime in 2024. It remains uncertain whether he will be accompanied by other representatives from Aurora. The decision to join the delegation will be left to each individual, as they will be responsible for covering their own expenses, as stated by the Mayor.

Conservatives Propose What? The Federal Government Would Set a Target for Municipalities?

First, the Ford government gave the Head of Council, Mayor Tom Mrakas, the power to pledge 8,000 homes by 2031. In return, Mrakas was granted strong mayor powers. This process excluded 6 Aurora Councillors who represent over 60,000 people in a total of six wards.